Agile Team Assessment - Check How Agile is your Team? Fast!!

Agile Team Assessment by Agile For Growth
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At one point during agile transformation, you may look at your practices, your team, and the organization and may want to assess the Agility of your team and the Organization. Taking the Agile Assessment may help you explore –

> How Agile are we?

> Are we really Agile?

> Are we doing it right? etc.

Well, the benefits you reap from Agile Transformation should actually give you the indication of how Agile you are. What are the typical benefits you should see if your teams have improved their agility?

What are the typical benefits you should see if your teams have become Agile and improved their agility?

  • Improved ability to respond to changing customer needs
  • Reduced time from idea to experimentation to products/features that customers can use
  • Improved alignment of your products with your customer’s needs resulting in growth opportunities for your business
  • Better alignment within the organization. For example Among marketing-product-delivery teams.
  • Significant reduction of waste from processes
  • Boost in Employee Engagement and Morale

It is realistic that while transitioning from traditional product development to Agile development, teams, and organizations improve at a linear pace in most cases. Their performance improves in few areas but remains lackluster in others.

It is important that the team members are aware of their strengths and the areas that need improvement. To help teams with such evaluation, there are a plethora of commercial Agile assessments available in the market. Most commercial surveys and assessments focus on the frameworks, processes and practices aspects leading the teams in the opposite direction to where the teams should focus on.

While creating the Agile Assessment, my primary focus was to help you to shed all the layers of the processes and practices and go back to the core of being Agile.

Agile Assessment assess your team agility with respect to proven areas such as:

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto

Human Psychology and Motivation

Keys to Successful Google Teams

I’ve tried to make the entire assessment as simple as possible. On top of that, you get Instant scores – sent to your email id. No waiting. Don’t get fooled by the simplicity of this powerful assessment. Give it a try now!

After the Agile Assessment

After you take the Agile Assessment, you’ll instantly get an email from me with your scores. Watch out for my email. Just in case if you don’t find it in your inbox, look for other folders – Promotions, Updates, Spam – depends on your email provider. Add my email id to your contacts.

Based on your scores, I also help you to understand your scores and the potential organizational factors responsible for your scores. I share relevant pointers and ideas to try within your team to improve your scores.

Follow up

To get best results and growth, I encourage you to take this assessment again after one month and compare your scores.

It’ll take less than 10 minutes to take the Agile Assessment. Give it a try now!